Game, Set, Match: Girls Tennis Terminates the 2023-2024 Season

During a season of change, the girls tennis team remained steadfast in their commitment to growth.

The team enjoys a well-earned meal.

With new challenges this season, the girls tennis team triumphed over their difficulties. Adjusting to a new team dynamic and maintaining resilience made the 2023 season a year of cultivating spirit and bonds. 

The tennis team faced distinct changes in its size and management. Two seniors who were previously a part of the team graduated, while three freshmen were welcomed: Duha Azaz ‘27, Finn Waymire ‘27, and Emilia Prier ‘27. The new coach, Mark Mills, also introduced his new strategies and ideas. 

Isabella Siller ‘25, a returning player on the tennis team, acknowledges the difficulty in adjusting to these changes: “Compared to last year, we were a smaller team with players at different levels. At the beginning of the season, it was a hard start because [the tennis team] was still getting [adapted] to working with each other and the new coach had a [contrasting] approach to the previous coach.” 

Siller says her personal best performance took place at her last match, as it required the most effort.

“I think [I played the best] at the team districts, and [despite] that I lost, I think I played very well,” Siller says. She hopes the team will be able to come back stronger next year with arrangements to train in the offseason.

Duha Azaz ‘27 reflects on her first season playing on the team. Even though the team was mostly underclassmen, she considers the match results adequate. 

“I would have liked to perform better than I did. I prefer singles over doubles, so it was [a journey] to improve my skills on that. However, it was my first season, so I still have room for improvement. The biggest challenge for me was keeping a positive mentality because tennis is mostly a game of muscle memory and mental strength,” says Azaz.

Duha Azaz ’27 and Maren Lacy ’27 practice their doubles game.

Azaz mentions doubles, a style of play where players must keep their partner’s mindset in mind. She explains how the players maintained their connections through extracurricular outdoor activities. 

“[The team] focused on teamwork and bonding because having a good bond is important for doubles. We were able to get to know each other this way,” explains Azaz.

This season allowed the Girls Tennis team to create a foundation that they can build upon for next season. The players not only endured challenges, but also grew individually and as a team. Thus, the season has come to a close, with hopeful projections and plans in store for next year.


  • Izah Bhuiyan '26, a sophomore at Barstow starting her first year on the B-Line staff, is eager to channel her opinions and immerse herself into the Barstow culture through her articles. Beyond school, Izah finds fulfillment in volunteering at the local hospital and reading mystery books. She also likes watching Formula 1 and has a deep passion for photography, particularly through capturing moments on disposable film cameras and her Canon. In the future, Izah aspires to dedicate herself to healthcare as she continues her journey to help others.

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