Barstow’s Girl’s Soccer Team Begins Its End

With the 2022-2023 school year over the soccer season is closing, so let’s look back to those fun moments of the year.

Another school year has passed, which means another soccer season is nearing its end. The team’s record this year was arduous but pretty successful, with many challenging games and rallying victories. With many highs and few lows, it is time to reflect back on the year and prepare for the next.

“I think we will do pretty well in districts, we will at least get second place. We won districts last year so I have high hopes. For next year, It will be interesting to see how the experienced players will mesh with the new freshmen,” Rian Jacobs (‘24) said.

“For Junior Varsity, it was a really fun season, especially with all the seniors. Everyone supported everyone and even though we weren’t too good, everyone had fun and it was great. But maybe starting preseason early and going out more would help,” Isabella Siller (‘25) said.

The girl’s soccer team season is surprisingly long. It starts before Spring Break in late February and ends in early June.

This year, the girl’s soccer team had many new additions, most of them seniors. A few new seniors to the team are Sophie Brous (‘23) and Anna Shapoval (‘23). The seniors were able to smoothly integrate into the team and play amazingly. On top of the talented seniors, most of last year’s players continued on to this year. So the new talent plus the old talent created a solid foundation for a good team.

“There were a few seniors on Varsity and this was their first year playing. Sophie Brous. She’s great, she can play any position and always try her hardest. This was also Anna Shapoval’s first year. She was also pretty good, she even scored some goals. She plays for both JV and varsity and was a great addition to both teams,” Jacobs complimented.

The team had a pretty even record, with 7 wins to 6 losses. A few of their impressive victories were at the game against Cristo Rey, Guadalupe Center, and the first game of the Van Horn Tournament. In each game, the team did not let the opponent score a single goal.

But every great team has to have some defeats. But the team’s losses were not extreme. For the most part, the team kept the score close, so the losses were not devastating. From here, the team can only get better for next year.

So, this year was a success. Everyone had fun, the record was great, and next year will only get better.


  • Maya Theobald '24

    Maya Theobald (‘24) has been writing for B-Line since sophomore year. She focuses on culture and Barstow-related pieces. Outside of B-Line and Barstow, she enjoys reading, cooking, and playing the piano. In the future, she hopes to pursue a career as a translator.

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