Seventh grade wins “Socktober” competition

Excitement filled the Barstow community with our first Socktober drive organized by the B-line. 

Elizabeth Payne (’29) and Vered Alon (’29) in front of The Barstow school!

Socktober is a whole month dedicated to donating socks for the less fortunate. Barstow decided to lend a helping hand this year with our own Socktober drive!

You may be asking yourself, why socks? Well, when children are transferred to foster homes, they don’t have a lot of stuff that they might need. Everyone enjoys socks to keep them warm and cozy in harsh weather!

It is always important to help out when you can. Each night in the US an estimated 600,000 people are living on the streets. This October, Barstow encouraged students and faculty to support Restart KC by donating socks. 

Deuce Chanos (’28) says, “I think it’s great because we need to help out when we can,” and I strongly agree! Here at Barstow we believe in helping everyone and giving equal opportunities. 

Barstows Socktober drive was an outstanding success. We collected around 1,300 socks in total with all grades involved. 

Clara George (’29) said, “Just keep going. You are eventually gonna get out and there are people to help you.”

B-line organized a competition with the help of Mr. Muhammad within grades to see who could collect the most socks in two weeks.

During the first week of the drive, 12th grade looked promising to win, but at the last minute in the second week 7th grade had a huge donor and managed to come out with a victory. 

We are incredibly proud and grateful for everyone who contributed to help out with Socktober. Everyone was eager to lend a helping hand for this successful Socktober drive!


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