Zero Reasons Why Brings Mental Health Awareness to Barstow

Zero Reasons Why’s “Remove the Stigma” banner hangs in the Upper School commons. Credit: Ava Levin ’24

Covid-19 and the introduction of online school have deteriorated the mental health of students, teachers, and parents over the past two years. Attempting to readjust to social interaction and in-person school has not made improving one’s mental health any easier. Without a safe place to discuss mental health, people will suffer in silence. Despite the efforts of previous classes to address mental health issues, Barstow has not had an official club dedicated to mental health. One student saw this and decided to take action.

Aishi Sethi ‘23, a junior and founder of the Zero Reasons Why Club at Barstow, states, “Last year, I realized mental health was a problem during Covid because of lack of interaction and stress of being online. I wanted to start one at Barstow, so I began to collaborate with Zero Reasons Why.”

Since Zero Reasons Why started at Barstow, many students have become involved. For example, students and teachers recently filled a huge banner with positive messages on the wall of the Upper School Commons. The progress of the Zero Reasons Why Club at Barstow brings hope for increased mental health awareness in the Barstow community. With the participation of many, a significant difference can be made in the lives of everyone when it comes to mental health.

While this is the first year of Zero Reasons Why’s presence at Barstow, it has existed as an organization in Kansas for three years. This week, the three-year anniversary of the start of the organization occurred. Zero Reasons Why is a teen-led organization. Sethi, founder of the club at Barstow, first became involved last summer, and then brought the club to Barstow this school year. Zero Reasons Why participated in the Club Fair at Barstow on Wednesday. For students interested in joining, the club meets every other Friday during Flex near Mrs. Chanos’s room.

Zero Reasons Why contains three main pillars: removing the stigma of mental health, mobilizing the community, and committing to education. Participants hope Zero Reasons Why will encourage students to talk openly about mental health, take action in their community, and educate themselves on the topic of mental health. Sethi believes that, “It’s an ongoing goal that will never be finished, but starting small with our school and educating people shows how Barstow is a community and we can all come together.” Students at Barstow can create and foster a safe environment for discussing mental health together. Without student motivation, progress will never be made.

Since the club started at Barstow, Zero Reasons Why has had an immense positive impact on students and teachers. The sign on the wall of the commons has now filled up with words of support from students. Simply through writing short messages on a sign, students help destigmatize mental health. Sethi says Zero Reasons Why “has had a positive impact because even with the banner, people are starting to realize Barstow does care and the more people learn the more we can prevent it.” If the work of Zero Reasons Why continues, immense progress in improving mental health could be made.

Maintaining a healthy mental state is critical in anyone’s life. However, its importance is often overlooked, especially in academic institutions. With Covid-19, many students have experienced heightened stress. Students such as Sethi taking action to promote a safe environment to discuss mental health is critical to recovering from Covid-19. As long as Barstow students show unity to support this cause, the goals of Zero Reasons Why may someday be met.


  • Ava Levin '24

    Ava Levin '24 was a member of the B-Line writing staff during the 2021-22 school year. Apart from B-Line, Ava Levin participates as a member of the Barstow Debate team, the Barstow Robotics team, Math Club, Science Club, and founded the Chess Club and Finance Club.

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