Why You Should Take Ceramics

Students should give the ceramics elective a try.

Isabella Choi ‘29 works on a free-clay project. ( Miya Parker ‘29)

When it comes to choosing an elective, there are many options. However one that is incredibly important (and popular) is ceramics. Many students think that ceramics is just playing with clay, but it is truly so much more. 

        “Ceramics helps students learn patience,” Ms. Lackey, the ceramics teacher says. “When they are working on a project, it can take many days to fire. Then there is painting. After that, you have to fire again.” 

Ceramics is also important because you are using your hands to physically make art. It is not involving technology, unlike many classes nowadays. Her class is currently working on creating a 3D version of  artist Kindinski’s work, which is heavily influenced by color and music.

        Ms. Lackey has been teaching ceramics for fifteen years. She said that she always liked working with clay when she was younger. “When there was a job opening for ceramics teacher at Barstow, it was perfect,” Ms. Lackey says. She enjoys seeing students’ creativity show through their art.

       Ms. Lackey’s creativity truly knows no bounds. “My favorite project is probably the pinch pot monsters,” she states. “You just never know what you are going to get.” 

        Isabella Choi’s favorite project in ceramics class was creating bobble heads. “You can make whatever you want and be creative,” she says. Isabella also says she loves making art and sculpting with clay, which is why she chose this elective.

         Another student who is currently taking ceramics is Mei Mei Payne. Her favorite part of ceramics is being creative through her projects. Last year Mei Mei also took ceramics, she says her favorite project was working with the pottery wheel. She says, “I chose ceramics because we have a lot of freedom with the what we create.” 

Mei Mei Payne ‘29 sculpts a flower. ( Miya Parker ‘29 )

Many students, like Mei Mei and Isabella have taken ceramics class more than one time. They chose it as their elective two years in a row. Ms. Lackey recommends taking ceramics classes more than once because even if it is the same project, you can create something different. You can also improve your skills by practicing. 

        Overall, ceramics is a very important class. All students should give it a try at least once. Next year, Ms. Lackey hopes more new students will show interest or join her class.


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