Why You Should Join BTVN

Why the Barstow Television elective is worth joining.

The BTVN setup has lots of different tools

Do you enjoy making videos? Do you like to document stuff through cameras? Then you’ll want to join BTVN. BTVN stands for the Barstow Television Network. This elective is a hub of creativity and positivity. You get to use computers to edit clips and put them together to make something awesome. 

In BTVN you will get to use high tech cameras and computers. That can be challenging. Gabe Rodriguez, a BTVN student, said that., “I think that BTVN is very fun, but it has a learning curve,”. It can be complicated to piece together shots, and make a clean cut, but once you get it, it’s super fun. Gabe wanted people that were interested in joining to know that if you get frustrated you should take a break, and when you come back, you’ll understand better. 

BTVN allows anyone to harness their inner reporter and have fun. The class is also chill; there are no tests or overwhelming homework assignments. It’s easy to sign up too. All around the middle school hallways are QR codes, which will take you to a sign up sheet.

If you are nervous about teachers, don’t be! Mr. Holmes is super nice and helpful. He gives great advice and teaches very well. Gabe indicated that Mr. Holmes responds to emails quickly, so you don’t have to worry about waiting for a long time to get an answer. 

BTVN has lots of different jobs in the program which offers a chance to experience all different types of jobs and opportunities. Once you find the one you like, BTVN will become even more exciting.

Starting off there are the hosts; they are the ones that you see on the show speaking and reporting. They get to write their own scripts, so you know what you’re talking about when the cameras are on.

One of the most important jobs is the director. The director has the responsibility of telling everyone what to do and when to do it.

Next is the technical director, the best job in this writer’s opinion. You get to be in control of the cameras. It just might be the most challenging job, though. Technical director has to know when to switch the cameras.

Last, but not least, is teleprompter operator. They are in charge of scrolling through the script during the show at a slow enough pace so that the hosts can read it. 

BTVN is a creative and positive place. You get a taste of reporting and camera skills. It’s a great chance to make new friends and get job experience. You should think about joining BTVN.


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