What To Do When Your Bored On a Rainy Day?

AJ Buckner ‘29 says that they like to spend their rainy days chilling. They are not very fond of going outside, so instead they have various activities to do. For instance, they like to make outfits for Comicon, read their book series, or even play video games.

AJ Buckner ‘29 sketches in their notebook. (Gus Cianciaruso ‘29)

“I like rainy days on the weekends, because school… school is boring. It’s not the vibe, and you have to get out of your car and get wet,” AJ Buckner ‘29 explains.

AJ likes rainy days to be more relaxing. Eleanor likes a more fun rainy day. AJ in the morning likes to wake up, drink a cup of coffee, and draw, while listening to the rain outside her open window. Eleanor on the other hand likes to go outside and sit in the rain, bake cookies for fun, or play Mario Kart on her Nintendo.

More activities AJ likes to do are to:

  • Scroll on Pinterest
  • Practice their violin
  • Draw

But Eleanor is the complete opposite. She likes to:

  • Play board games with her family
  • Experiment the V.R. world with her sister
Eleanor Nelson ‘29 plays Spot It with her sister. (Gus Cianciaruso ‘29)

“I enjoy the rain. It’s peaceful and calming……and pretty,” Eleanor Nelson ‘29 says as she yawns, probably thinking of the warm days of spring and summer.

A lot of people love or hate the rain, with little room in between. AJ loves being alone, drinking their coffee, and listening to the rain. Eleanor likes to hang out with friends and go play in the rain or watch Gilmore Girls for multiple hours at a time. While the rain may not be your favorite thing, it doesn’t mean your day has to be boring!


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