Sources of Strength is a safe organization which helps students and adults work together to foster well-being. This organization helps lean into stimulating activities and mental health work.

“It’s an organization consisting of adults and students that work together to help the community lean into their strengths, to help foster better overall well being for everyone in our community,” says Nia-Anderson High, who is one of our three counselors at Barstow.
Barstow was introduced to Sources of Strength by Jessica Chanos, one of Barstow’s other counselors. She reached out to the organization and got a certified trainer to teach students and staff about the importance of mental health, and how to deal with it.

There are some future events that Sources of Strength wants to keep secret, but there will definitely be an activity around Valentine’s Day concerning Positive Friends. There will also be another Source Week that encourages stronger mental health.
If you struggle with mental health issues, as most students do, the counselors encourage you to come and talk to them. If you are not feeling comfortable with the counselors or your parents, you can call or text 988, which is a suicide crisis line.
Sources of Strength urges you to learn more about mental health, how to help others cope with it on a daily basis, and to dig deeper on a certain mental illness to understand more about it.