Pink Out: A Barstow Tradition
Pink Out is a Barstow tradition that is really important to the volleyball players of the Barstow school. It is called Pink Out because players dress up in pink to raise awareness for breast cancer. This year, the event was held on October 18. Students fill the stands and cheer on our team. Lisa Tillema says, “I like the energy.”

Pink Out occurs once every year and is really special to the Barstow community. Fellow student Eden Groeble says, “I love going there and hanging out with friends every year.” Every year the gym is decorated with pink streamers and breast cancer awareness posters.
The significance of Pink Out is to raise breast cancer awareness and to make sure everybody knows what it is. A bake sale also goes on where parents bring in treats for the visitors to buy. Another thing that Barstow does is if you wear pink to the event you get a free slice of pizza.

Pink Out has been going on for a long time. The high school volleyball team plays at Pink Out and even has pink Jersey! Posters are on the walls all over the school. Parents, relatives, and students come to the game and everybody is welcome to come.
All of the players are extremely nice and supportive of their team. It is clear that the team cares about each other and even if somebody makes a mistake they brush it off and continue to play. Overall, you should come to the next Pink Out game!