Water Balloons, S’mores, and Pizza: The Back-to-School Mixer

Upper school gathered on the patio for pizza, s’mores, and a water balloon fight to celebrate the start of the school year; here’s how it went! 

A cooler raid gone wrong for Alina Stribling ’25 and Salma Weng ’26 (Betsi Waldeck ’25).

To kick off the new school year properly, Pep Club and Mr. Muhammad held a mixer for upper school students to relax and enjoy each other’s company. 

For the first hour, students and faculty members alike roasted s’mores over a fire and ate slices of Papa John’s pizza as they chatted with friends. Things like future business plans, potential targets, and the proper degree of roastedness of a marshmallow were serious topics of conversation across the patio. 

Pep Club members Lauren Rothhaas ‘25, Story Wright ‘26, and Drew Liss ‘26 had to wrestle with the hose nozzle (and lost a few times) in order to prepare the water balloons for when fall sports practices ended. As mixer-goers waited patiently, Robert Waldeck ‘27 ended up being threatened with premature water balloon fire and had to seek shelter inside the building and behind friends. 

Once sports practices had ended, the water balloons were finally ready for battle. Students stormed the middle school soccer field and raided coolers. Water balloons flew through the air as soon as they were opened. Friends, enemies, and classmates alike had targets on their backs. It took some longer than others to master the proper grip needed to throw the balloon without popping it on themselves first, but everyone eventually managed to land a hit or two. 

Some students teamed up and formed alliances by trading for ammunition or using each other as distractions while others camped out around coolers in order to pop balloons on those who came looking for more. 

The fight lasted for about five whole minutes before the coolers ran out of ammunition and students’ clothes were thoroughly soaked. 

Take a look at the photos below to see a recap of moments from the event! 


  • Betsi Waldeck '25

    This is Betsi Waldeck's first year on the B-Line staff. She has been at Barstow for eleven years, and is part of the fourth generation in her family to attend this school. She's married, has two dogs, five horses, and a younger brother. Outside of writing articles for B-Line, you'll probably find her consumed by a book, taking photos, or riding her horses. She is happy to get to share her thoughts with you this year, and wants to thank you for reading B-Line!

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