Opinion: “Vaccine Hoarding” Raises Issues of Equitable Vaccine Distribution

Credit: News 9

The concept of herd immunity has reemerged as a possibility, as more and more United States citizens get vaccinated. However, the pandemic is still far from over in other parts of the world, largely thanks to wealthy countries like the U.S. 

In mid-March, 14% of the world’s population, primarily in wealthier countries, possessed more than half of all vaccines. According to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), this disparity constitutes a “catastrophic moral failure.” If this hoarding continues, it could come with an economic cost of trillions and a human cost of twice as many deaths than if the vaccines were distributed equitably.

What’s more, is that the acquisition of vaccines to the point of excess by larger countries drastically delays worldwide herd immunity. Scientists currently estimate that global herd immunity is still 4.6 years away since most developing countries are projected to have less than 20% or even 10% of their population vaccinated by the end of the year, partly because many countries that face a significant threat from COVID-19 simply can’t afford the vaccines.

However, organizations such as COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) aim to lessen such inequalities. Founded by the WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the European Commission, COVAX’s goal is to spread vaccines and other pandemic resources among the countries that join it. So far, COVAX has delivered 38 million vaccines to over one hundred countries.

It is crucial to remember that until the whole world is protected from COVID-19, the threat of a resurgence still looms, as new strains can always develop. After a nation has secured enough vaccines to assure the safety of its own people, it is imperative that they donate the excess to countries in need. Otherwise, this pandemic will be around for much, much longer.


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