The game of This or That is a game that could make or break the strongest of friendships.

This or That is a game where you have to choose between two difficult options. The choices can range from funny, outrageous, or morally wrong. A couple of 8th graders voiced their opinions on a few This or That questions. Beware, your choice might just make you lose a friend.
Popsicles or Ice Cream?
We almost got a zero to six vote, but it turns out someone likes popsicles and ice cream equally. Ishita Golgireddy (‘27) said, “Ice cream, one hundred percent because not only is it really refreshing but, you can eat it throughout the year, and ice cream has way more flavor options and you can get toppings on ice cream.”
Coffee with Cream and Sugar or Black?
This next question had an overwhelming answer. Every single person said that they preferred cream and sugar in their coffee over straight black coffee. Duha Azaz (‘27) said, “Cream and sugar. No one wants a bitter little espresso shot.” It seems that the 8th graders have not grown out of their cream and sugar phase yet. Aiden Flick (‘27) answered, “Cream and sugar. If you drink black coffee you are crazy.”
Be a Cat With Nine Lives or a Dog With Three Lives?
Next up we have a question that is a step up from just being a dog or a cat person, and makes you question if you prefer one animal over the other or if you want to have more lives. On this question the answers are leaning to being a fluffy feline with more lives than a happy go lucky canine. Duha Azaz (‘27) answered, “A cat with nine lives because I think I resonate with a cat’s attitude.” On the flip side Maria Parsons (‘27) said, “A dog with three because dogs are always so happy and like cats look depressed all the time.”
Lose All Thoughts or Lose All Feelings?
This question was not a close call as it was four votes for losing all thoughts, one for losing all feelings and one who couldn’t choose. The question caused people to think a bit harder about their options. Ishita Gogireddy (‘27) said, “Lose all feelings because I feel like I wouldn’t be able to appreciate feelings if I didn’t have any thoughts. I wouldn’t be able to process and render them into my judgment.” Maira Parsons (‘27) answered, “Lose all thoughts because I have like three brain cells already.”
Alaska or Hawaii?
The next question will decide which travel destination they like better, or to make it simpler, do they prefer the hot or the cold. The answers were 5 to 1 for Hawaii. Duha Azaz (‘28) states, “Hawaii because I’m not built for the cold.” While Aiden Flick answered with, “Alaska because I like ice fishing.”
BTVN or B-Line?
The last question for the 8th graders is BTVN or B-line? Shria Malay (‘27) said, “B-line because I’m in it and Ms. Scott would be mad at me if I said BTVN.” While Aiden Flick (‘27) stated, “I prefer BTVN because it’s the only thing people care about.“ It is tied three to three so I guess we will never know which is the more popular among Barstow students.
I hope you enjoyed this exclusive edition of this or that with Barstow’s 8th graders. I hope that it has at least inspired you to gather your friends to play a round of This or That.