The Barstow Knight Stars: An End of A Season

A retrospective on the Barstow Knight Stars 2022-23 season.

Story Wright ‘26, Drew Liss ‘26, Kyanne Carlgren ‘24, Amara Patel ‘24, Emory Pan ‘26, and Lizzie Boyce ‘23 (Coach Krista Logan).

The Barstow Knight Stars Dance Team had an excellent season. They waltzed through the warbling brookes of ecstasy and whirled through the clouds of Barstow’s Varsity Gym. It was, as Story Wright ‘26 said, “a lot of fun.”

This year, they started much earlier in the season than previous years. Captain Lizzie Boyce ‘23 was “glad [they] started earlier this season, in mid-October, because [they] had a lot more time to team build, and learn, and clean [their] routines.” 

Though small with only seven members, the dance team brimmed with successes. Drew Liss ‘26 identified his favorite part as “winning first in hip-hop.” Dance Teamer Wright ‘26 acknowledged her favorite part as the “competition in St. Louis.”

There was, according to Jayden Sampat ‘24, “one regional competition, a showcase and state. At the regional [competition] in St. Louis we got first and third. At State we got third and fourth. [it was] very successful.” 

Amara Patel ‘24, Emory Pan ‘26, Kyanne Carlgren ‘24, and Lizzie Boyce ‘23, at State (Coach Krista Logan).

The Barstow Knight Stars performed at basketball games, competitions, and by themselves, for reasons explained in the following sentence. As Emory Pan ‘26 put it, “Because I love dance.”

Dance Teamer Sampat said, “I really liked all of the bonding times we had, even at the early practices, because it was super fun and I got to know everybody from different grades.”

A popular misconception about the dance team is that one needs years of previous experience to join. According to Co-Captain Boyce ‘23, “You don’t have to have years of classical dance training under your belt [to join the dance team]. Previous members had tumbling experience under their belt. All you need is interest and willingness to put in effort, hard work, and time. If it interests you, know that it is a time commitment but definitely join.”

Dance Teamer Pan confirmed Captain Boyce ‘23’s claim, “When I first joined, I hadn’t learned most of it before.” And on whether or not to join, Dance Teamer Wright ‘26 said “Join.” 

But, if you do have years of previous experience, you can join as well. Captain Boyce ‘23 said, “[I’ve been on the Dance Team since my] freshman year, and I’ve been dancing since I was very young.”

Dance Teamer Pan ‘26 also describes the dance team as a “normal sport, like badminton or tennis.” Like badminton or tennis, indeed, the dance team competes and practices and practices some more, early in the morning twice a week. 

This year was also sunshiny and happy. Said Captain Boyce ‘23, “we have a lot less weather issues. Previous years weather canceled games.” Dance Teamer Liss ‘26 described his feelings toward dance as “pretty good”. Dancing is as ancient a sport as any other.  Dancing, though rather ugly as a word, brings happiness and happiness to many. 

Some describe it as not too difficult. Dance Teamer Sampat ‘24 says this of the Dance Team: “I really like that it is kind of another thing I can get involved in at school which is not a huge commitment.” Dance Teamer Pan ‘26 describes it thusly: “[It is] not a very difficult sport.” Others, though, describe it to be difficult. Coach Krista Logan said, “It is a fun, but challenging sport.”

Coach Logan said, “Dance is art in motion. It allows you a creative outlet and way to express yourself without words. There is truly no greater feeling than the rush you get right before a performance! And the sense of accomplishment you feel when you nail a routine you’ve spent countless hours perfecting.”

And so, if you are interested in the Dance team, you should learn more about them.

The Dance Team (Coach Krista Logan).

1/30/23 Edit: A previous version of this article referred to Boyce as “Co-Captain” instead of “Captain.”


  • Rachel Jacobs '26

    Rachel I. Jacobs resides as the official scumdiddling troucher of Kansas City. She is a solemn professional who is so well-known that she doesn’t even have to wear a name tag. Rachel’s favourite letter combinations are either WR, SN, or GR, and she loves them so much that she finds herself routinely cramming them into sentences (she also likes the letter M). Charle Scabjo (as she anagramically named herself)’s noblest aspiration in life is to empty out the Costco warehouse and slide about the building in her socks. She enjoys sliding about warehouses in her socks (not that she’s ever done so), although she is rather prone to toppling over and wounding the floor (sorry, mate). She hopes to one day become a space pirate (her vicious gurgling-noises are steadily improving) for the insurance-benefits and inclusive work environment, and takes delight in eating egg salad. Rachel’s cats, Agent Sparkles and Edward Zamboni, have, depressingly, never eaten egg salad.

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