As the two-year anniversary of Spider-Man no way home is approaching us, we stop to take a look at his journey.

Two years ago Spider-Man no way home came out with a supersie all the Spider-Man in one movie. It started with Tom Holland Peter Parker open a portal to two worlds where all the past villains in spider-man came back alive to get there revenge, “ Spider-Man no way home is the greatest Spider-Man movie because you get to see all of them in one,” Lucas Prier ‘29.
Spider-man has been around for over 20 years now. The first Spider-Man was Tobey Maguire. Most people say that he is the best spider for his villains he fought against. Tobey Maguire also has the best nerdy act for Peter Parker.
The second Spider-Man was Andrew Garfield. Some say that he’s the second best Spider-Man but not the best Peter Parker.
The last Spider-man that’s there would be is Tom Holland, “ Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man because he shows off the Peter Parker act and Spider-Man all in one,” Lucas Prier ‘29.
In middle school, I asked around to see who the best Spider-Man & Peter Parker is. The most votes were Tom Holland, even though he didn’t have the best villains.
If you still haven’t seen all of the Spider-man movies I very much recommend you see it with your family or friends!