67-46: Triumphant Basketball Victory over Summit Christian Academy
Boys Basketball defeats Summit Christian Academy by double-digits.
Boys Basketball defeats Summit Christian Academy by double-digits.
One of the many things seniors have to do is attend the Senior Seminars which are meant to prepare students for life in and outside of college.
The middle school girls volleyball team are working hard in the off season to continue their success.
The game also included a student mixer, creating more excitement and hype around the basketball season.
Barstow Boys Basketball kicks off second semester against KIPP Legacy.
Even while school was out of session, the basketball team continued practicing and playing in games.
The Debate Team enters the second semester at Omaha Westside Tournament, making it to the quarter-finals.
One of Barstow’s most recent staff editions is the new nurse, Rachel Shustek.
The girls swim team has become a popular choice of sport for the Barstow community.
Barstow students auditioned for the District Honor Choir.