Christmas time is full of fun activities to do around the house with your family.

The air is filled with the aroma of gingerbread cookies dancing on your tongue and that Christmas tree smell that reminds you of childhood. You can’t quite put a pin on where it comes from. The overall feel of the holiday, the Christmas magic and music, and overall festivities are such a delightful time. I say it’s never Christmas without snow, sledding, building forts, but most of all, building snowmen.
Snowmen are fun traditions for all. Common materials involved include coal, sticks and carrots, but there’s also other ways.
Lauren Mack ‘29 says, “I put a hat and scarf on it and like gloves, also dark rocks from around my yard and sticks.”

Scarves are a popular option at Barstow. Benjamin Eperjesy ‘29 says, “I like to put scarves on my snowman. I’ll put all the other accessories and what not also. I use rocks or maybe some kinda food, something small for the eyes, and I give him arms by using sticks.”
Why is building a snowman so fun? Holiday time, whether it’s Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, and being around family and friends just makes things so much better.
Mack ‘29 shares, “I build a snowman with my cousins and knock it down during the holidays.”
Benjamin Eperjesy ‘29 echos this, saying, “When winter comes around I build it with my sister.” The holidays simply aren’t the holidays without your family, it would be pretty boring to build a snowman all on your own, so I’d say it improves everyone’s happiness with a little bit of snow fun.

Surprisingly, there are favorable types of snow to use. In fact, there are many studies to actually show you the great amount of snow to use. Snow comes in five categories: dry (zero percent water), moist (less than 3 percent), wet (3 to 8 percent), very wet (8 to 15 percent) and slush (more than 15 percent)
Benjamin Eperjesy ‘29 says, “I like to use snow, that kind of packs together better that way, I can make it a lot bigger without breaking apart. I’d like it a lot thicker and fluffy.”
Mack ‘29 echoes this, saying, “I prefer slightly melted snow; three days old.”
Families are starting to come into town and Christmas presents are being bought. So hopefully this year you learned a few more tips and tricks on how to build the perfect snowman this year. So make sure you steal your younger cousins or older and for them to be forced to build a snowman with you.