Mrs. Buckner Makes Science Kind

Amie Buckner is a teacher that everybody should recognize.

Mrs. Buckner planning assignments for the sixth graders. (Aaliyah Rauf ‘30)

Science teacher Amie Buckner is a great example of a kind, understanding and helpful teacher. Mrs. Buckner has lived in Kansas City Missouri since 2010 and has been teaching for nine years. She teaches science to tenth and sixth graders and students love the kindness and compassion that she shows towards them.

“Students being eager to ask questions, learning with each other, and engaging with one another,” says Mrs. Buckner about her beloved Barstow community.

Sixth grade students playing with Mrs. Buckners guinea pigs. (Aaliyah Rauf ‘30)

Mrs. Buckner went to two colleges, William Wood University as an undergraduate, and Mercer for her Masters of Education. This is her ninth year teaching at Barstow, and she continues to show an immense amount of kindness and comprehension towards all of the students that she teaches. She teaches sixth grade physical science and tenth grade prep physical science.

“My favorite branch of science is physics, how things behave, and how the world works,” she says. Mrs. Buckner’s love towards science reflects on the personality that she shows everyday. 

Mrs. Buckner’s tables and chairs for her students. (Aaliyah Rauf ‘30)

She is a great teacher who would do anything to help her students learn or feel better, “I like teaching because forming relationships with colleagues and students is a great way to discover new insights.”

Understanding how the world works is something Mrs. Buckner does. Furthermore, it explains why she is so understanding towards our students. She understands that things happen in life and to our students. Mrs. Buckner really likes our community and all the people in our community. She always tries to include everybody and help every student connect with each other and engage with each other.

Mrs. Buckners desk area. (Aaliyah Rauf ‘30)

In all the grades that she teaches she always tries to make everybody feel comfortable in her classroom. Even when her students do not understand something in class, she tries engage with us so we can fully understand what we are learning. Hence students who had her and have her as a science teacher stop by her classroom and give a hello years after leaving her class.

In the two grades that she teaches science in, Mrs. Buckner always shows kindness and consideration towards all of her students. Mrs. Buckner adores how our community acts with one another, and we should all adore how she acts with us all.


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