Have you ever had an advent calendar or a gingerbread house? Well most people have and these are a few of the many crafts or traditions that you can do around the holidays, even if you don’t celebrate Christmas. The winter months seem to be one of the most beloved times of the year. Though it is cold outside, the warmth of the hot coco, the fireplace and our family makes up for it. There are many different ways to celebrate and decorate during the winter months.
David Humphreys says “We also like to do a thing called spider web Christmas where we will put string over all the presents and you have to like make your way around them to actually get to the presents.”
Many families celebrate winter holidays like Hanukkah and Christmas. One of the most loved winter crafts even if you don’t celebrate either of these holidays is gingerbread houses, they are yummy fun to make and a good decoration.
David Humphreys says “making gingerbread houses with the family, that’s always fun.”
Winter is the holiday season and the coldest time of year but through the cold there is the warmth of families and the fireplace. The many different ways to celebrate Christmas are all interesting and fun to learn about. Like if you put up a live Christmas tree or a plastic one. You can get a cheap and convenient tree and stores like five below for $5.50 that are smaller or a real tree from a farm that’s more expensive. This time of year is very loved.