Girls Tennis Finishes A Great 2022-2023 Season

The girls tennis team ends their season with victories, friendships, and memories.

Lia Adams ’24, Mary Colombo ’23, and Aishi Sethi ’22 celebrate their successful season. (Zoey Hrabe ’24)

From the very beginning, girls tennis had something to prove. After winning state last year, everyone in the Barstow community had high expectations for the team. Additionally, the team moved up a class, facing harder teams and playing more competitive matches. Even more important than the wins or the losses were the incredible friendships that they made along the way.

For captains Mary Colombo ‘23 and Aishi Sethi ‘23, this tennis season is the last time that they will play with their Barstow teammates. After playing all four years of high school, neither of them plan to play tennis in college, so this could also be their last time on a tennis team in general.

“It’s a very bittersweet end to my high school career. I’ll miss the whole team, especially Lia, as I have played with her since junior year, and Aishi, as I have played with her since 7th grade,” says Colombo.

The captains were instrumental in the success of the team as a whole. According to junior Zoey Hrabe ‘24, “They’re the best captains, always super supportive, and super kind. They’re always there for us when we need it. We’ll be sad to see them go.”

Leading by example, Sethi and Colombo made sure to include everyone during team discussions and bonding. This was clear especially when it came to forming relationships with the new freshman, Sanjana Akkulgari ‘26 and sophomores Sam Hembree ‘25 and Sonya Lagur ‘25.

“It was fun having Sonya and Sam on varsity. They both did really well. Sonya won at least three or four matches which is really good for a first-time varsity player” says Hrabe.

The team as a whole also emerged victorious this year, demonstrating immense improvement even in matches that they lost. The team finished with a 4-5-2 record. Colombo and junior Lia Adams ‘24 also qualified for individual state doubles and finished in 6th place, a great showing for Barstow.

Overall, the girls are thankful to their Head Coach Tom O’Brien, who coaches both the girls and boys tennis team during the school year. O’Brien was also a beloved United States History teacher before he retired in 2019.

Hrabe says, “He puts a lot of emphasis on poaching, and taking it cross court when you can. Also getting those first serves in.”

O’Brien also helped each player individually with specific advice, something that the team finds immensely helpful.

“For me, he told me quite a lot to cut the serve more, and really go for everything I can get in doubles,” explains Hrabe.

Another very important part of the tennis season this year was the support from other players on the team. During matches, the girls would cheer for each other, with the usual “GO KNIGHTS” heard across multiple courts.

During tournaments, the girls also have specific rituals to prepare for games. For one, the team will link arms and stand in a circle, manifesting victories before they start playing. They also do the classic “Knights on 3!” to send everyone off to individual matches.

Especially during important matches in each tournament, the players would be sure to watch and support their teammates no matter what.

As for student turnout, the team says it could be better. “It was better than it was last year, because we advertised. But, I’m hoping that more people will show up next year, and for boys tennis in the spring,” explains Colombo. Many students, however, did turnout for senior night, where Colombo and Sethi were celebrated for all of their hard work and dedication.

“Senior Night was a blast, a lot of people showed up, and we had cake. I played my last match with Aishi, and I remember trying to drag it on so we could play together more, but it was really nice,” says Colombo.

Next year, the mantle of captain hood will be passed onto this year’s juniors, Adams and Hrabe. According to Hrabe, the two plan to continue what this year’s captains have already started, hoping to unite the team even further, and recruit more freshmen to join the team.

“We’re going to try to continue the positivity and team connection that they have created. We also hope to continue team get-togethers to foster that bond,” says Hrabe.

Even with quite a few new players, the tennis team continued their state-qualifying streak, with great results. Congratulations to the team on an incredible season!


  • Avani Lakkireddy '24

    Avani has been writing for B-line since 9th grade. Now, as a senior editor, Avani hopes to continue creating great articles, including focusing on more investigative work. Currently, Avani loves sports writing (specifically, soccer), as well as music and art reviews. She hopes you continue reading B-line!

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