The world of electives is an amazing place.

Tons of people are bored from their everyday classes, but a cure to that one sickness is electives. While electives may not help us learn algebra or the rules of grammar, they are still an important part of the any school community. Electives are a class that you can first choose in 7th grade at Barstow. The question is, which electives should you take?
“Electives are a nice thing because it’s a class that you can just enjoy without much homework, leaving time for fun activities,” says Dr. Kory Gallagher, the Head of Middle School.
Dr. Gallagher is an adult, but if he were still in school, which elective would he choose?
- Debate
- Computer science
- Robotics
- Money Management
Now this might be a surprise to you, but he would choose robotics. While some students might have assumed Dr. Gallagher would choose money management (it’s me, I’m some students), he says that’s other people’s job.
Now let’s look into a really great elective that might be the most friendly and happy elective you will find: 3D Art. The students in 3D art are making sculptures of tiny little items or creatures. The classroom is very open and lots of laughing and fun takes place there and the whole community seems like a big family.
Similarly, 2D art is also a very fun and relaxing place, with their community strong and everyone there filled to the brim with joy. They were at the time making Bob Ross themed paintings of cool celebrities.

Choir is also housed in the arts department, and seems to have just as much fun as the visual arts. This elective is incredibly laid back with the additional benefit of singing and music.
Another elective for the musically inclined is the Theater Arts elective. This elective shows the students the many different ways of cinematography. They watched the SpongeBob movie for their elective, which seems like a blast.
Now let’s look at the most popular elective from our survey responses: Computer Science. “We make websites and its fun,” says Daiwik Ganesh ’29.
As you can see, there are a variety of different skills and experiences you can get from electives. Some students choose to take a study hall over an elective. This can be helpful if you need extra time for your regular homework.
While it might be easy to dismiss electives, they teach us a variety of skills and give us experiences we don’t get from our core classes. Keep these options in mind when choosing your electives!