Most people at Barstow know Dexter, if not by name. Dexter’s pleasant demeanor and kind conversation make him one of the best there is. Many Barstow students don’t know enough about Dexter.
Dexter loves his job, saying, “My favorite part about my job is the people I work with and the students.” He also said that the food was cooked and done extremely well compared to other schools.
The one and only Dexter loves the school and his food so much that he has no least favorite. Barstow food has a lot of variety and it is very inclusive of different cultures. The workers here really enjoy their job, so they cook it with love.
Most people that work in the cafeteria have been there since 2012 and made some great memories, whereas others have just started this year and joined the Barstow community! They are very much welcomed and appreciated.
Ice cream day is a day loved by many. If you didn’t know, in the back of the lunchroom we have an ice cream machine with two flavors, chocolate and vanilla. The swirl of the two in the middle is the most popular; it always needs to be refilled. There are also assigned days for elementary and middle schoolers for them to have ice cream. Ex: 7th graders have ice cream on Tuesdays.
One of the most iconic things about Dexter is his Friday crab hat. You thought it was just for fun? Well, there is actually a story behind it all. One day back in 2015 Dexter was doing what he normally does, just making some food and enjoying his job when he saw a student. The student wasn’t just a normal student that would just get food without saying much other than “thank you” or “have a good day.” This student loved Dexter specifically and loved speaking to him. The student was also wearing a bright red crab hat. Dexter found this so fascinating, he asked the student if he could buy Dexter one. The student was so excited he instantly bought him one. Dexter then wore it one Friday and so many people loved it. Dexter lives for joy, so he kept wearing it on Fridays.
Dexter is a pillar of the Barstow community, providing students with body-nourishing food and a soul-nourishing smile.