Daylight savings has become more and more controversial.

Daylight savings time has been around for one hundred and five years, the event was once helpful but has become more of a mandatory chore to do every year. The event started in 1918 in the United States so that people would use less fuel and the soldiers in the world war could use it instead. Now we don’t have a war we are fighting, but yet America hasn’t gotten rid of daylight savings.
“Yes it’s fun to get more sleep, but if we don’t need it anymore then it’s pointless,” Charlotte Eperjessy ’29 says.
A very different type of war has now started: the internet kind. There have been numerous articles saying that daylight savings is foolish and should be abolished immediately for America’s health, including problems with sleep and even heart problems.

“I think they should stop because it was for saving materials, but now we don’t even need it and people are fighting over nothing,” Juniper Sterrett ’28 says.
One question many might ask is why would the government just skim over this problem. It has to do with the difficulty of getting legislation passed in our current political climate as well as complaints from parents who fear their kids traveling to school in the dark.
Whether or not we will ever move permanently to daylight savings time or standard time is up in the air. People tend to forget things quickly, so as soon as everyone gets used to the new schedule complaints die down. There is also a question of which would be better: permanent daylight savings or permanent standard time. For now, get some sleep Barstow!