College Decisions: the Class of 2023 Finds New Places to Call Home

Countless supplementals, all-nighters, and mock interviews later, Barstow’s class of 2023 have made their college decisions.

The senior hallway displays a map that shows where students are going next year. (Tyler Bauman ’25)

A couple students will continue their academic and athletic careers in college. Solomon Holmes will play baseball at Highland Community College in the fall. Sarena Biria will play tennis at the University of Chicago.

Ahna Chang, Alex David, and Devarshi Desai will join Sarena in Chicago, but at Loyola University Chicago. Ben Shimamoto will also be in Chicago, but attend Columbia College Chicago.

In neighboring states, you’ll find Anisha Reiland at Indiana University, Lahna Groden at Kenyon College, Aisha Sethi at Case Western Reserve University, Evan Doskey at Iowa State University, and Allison Orozco at the University of Iowa.

On the east coast, you’ll find Kimberly Nguyen at Wake Forest University, Charlotte Park at Georgetown University, and Geordie Waldman at Colgate University.

Further south, Mary Colombo is going to the University of Florida, and Aaram Salam is going to the University of South Florida. Param Vora will attend the University of Texas Austin.

On the opposite side of the country, Anders Hwang will attend the University of California, Irvine, and Anita Mohan will attend the University of California, Riverside.

On the opposite side of the pond, Genevieve Hyatt will attend the University of Cambridge.

Sophie Brous and Bella Kateusz are both headed to Colorado. Sophie is attending the University of Colorado Boulder, and Bella is heading to Colorado State University. Bella is also taking an EF Gap Year.

The majority of students are attending state schools. JP Moore is off to the University of Nebraska in the fall. Turner Andrews, Lizzie Boyce, Tyler Carlgren, and Chase Hamilton have committed to K-State. Sarah Khan, Gus Ketchell, Quinn Luce, Andrew Lang, Sam Cristifano, Logan Mulligan, Maggie Topass, Charlie Hisle, and Amelia Mohamadi are going to KU. Alison Brodrick is going to the University of Central Missouri. Thomas Andrews and Michael Mou will attend UMKC. Anna Shapoval is going to the University of Missouri, and Erin Spence is going to St. Louis University.

Every class is different, but this year has one of the highest proportions of students going to state schools. Some students will have a present Barstow population on their campuses, while others will be the only Barstow representative at their schools. But they’ll always have a place at 11511 State Line Road, Kansas City, Missouri. Go forth with the Barstow education and do good. Cheers and congratulations to the class of 2023.


  • Charlotte Park '23

    Charlotte Park ‘23 was part of the B-Line staff from 2019-2023. She joined the staff her freshman year and became an editor her sophomore year. Charlotte mostly wrote about student life at Barstow and medical and social issues. As a student journalist, she aimed to cover all sides of a story, amplify marginalized voices, and exercise empathy through her writing.

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