Barstow’s World Languages Gets Competitive with the UCM Film Festival

Geordie Waldman ’23 works on editing his Chinese Film. (Anita Mohan ’23)

Each year, Barstow’s foreign language department works in collaboration with the University of Central Missouri to enroll in their Foreign Language Film Festival Competition. Students in Kansas and Missouri who are in grades 6-12 and enrolled in a foreign language course are eligible to join the creative movie competition. 

This year, Barstow has upwards of 30 students from either Spanish, Chinese, or French participating in the UCM film festival. Mr. Payne’s Chinese classes have successfully turned in final copies of their scripts for editing. Next on their agenda: the individual scripts, where each person must make a script with just their lines so that they can read them to Mr. Payne for points. 

According to Spanish 4 Honors student Allison Orozco ‘23, Profe Marvin’s students have also turned in their scripts and have already started the filming process. Orozco and her movie partner, Meera Al-Rajabi ’25, plan on making their film about alien hunting. 

As for Madam Hyvrard’s French Topics class, they are now finalizing the edits on their scripts. French Topics student, Finnian Waldron ’23, informed us that he has “just finished up editing his movie script.” He and the other members of his group, Michael Mou ’23 and Devarshi Desai ’23, plan on making their film a murder mystery where Waldron will star as the detective. They plan on beginning the filming process soon and hope to shoot near Brush Creek as a river is extremely important to the plot of their film.

The films will be completed in early March, so look forward to some amazing projects!


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