Upper school students attended the winter formal on November 20, 2021 in Barstow’s Price Hall. Activities included a gingerbread house decorating contest, a cornhole tournament, dancing, and much more. Outside guests were able to join Barstow students at the dance. Overall, the winter formal was a successful dance, filled with fun activities for all who attended.
Jayden Sampat (‘24) stated, “I thought it was pretty fun and really enjoyed it. I really liked the music choices and the dancing.”
The winter formal marks another social event from before Covid-19 taking place again at Barstow. As Covid-19 restrictions relax over time, upper school students may be reminded of what high school life was like before 2020. For sophomores and freshmen, the winter formal was one of the first traditional high school events they have participated in. Although some Covid-19 restrictions were still in place, such as masks, the dance marks the start of a return to normal.
Another thing that made the winter formal unique was that it included activities other than dancing. Multiple competitions were held for students to vote on at the dance. Competitions included an ugly sweater contest, a gingerbread house decorating contest, and a cornhole tournament. Prizes were given out to the participants who received the most votes or won the game. These competitions offered fun alternatives to dancing. With activities besides dancing, everyone who is not interested in dancing was still able to enjoy the dance.
The winter formal could not have taken place if not for the students and teachers involved in its construction. Members of the student council and teachers worked to make sure the opinions of everyone were included in the setup of the dance. Incorporating the ideas of others ensured the winter formal was enjoyable for everyone. A great amount of planning went into making sure plans for the dance were executed. Everyone involved in setting up the dance deserves recognition for their hard work, especially if students want to have more events like the dance at Barstow.
Much positive feedback has been expressed by students since the dance. Barstow students showed excitement for the dance by participating in spirit week the week before the dance. The dance provided students with a chance to interact with one another outside of class, and enjoy themselves. Incorporating outside guests allows for interactions with people outside of Barstow. Refreshments and snacks were available for students when they tired from dancing or participating in one of the competitions.
Sriram Pattabiraman (‘24) expressed, “I may or may not have drunk a half box of soda.” The winter formal was a fun way for students to relax and take their mind off of homework and finals before Thanksgiving Break.
The winter formal demonstrates how the Barstow community can unite for a fun night of activities. With dancing, competitions, and refreshments, students displayed how everyone can enjoy a Barstow event. With Covid-19 regulations relaxing, every high school student may now experience what events at Barstow are typically like. Including students who do not attend Barstow allows visitors to see what the school and students have to offer. Overall, the winter formal invokes excitement for future activities.