Barstow Senior Commits to Cambridge

Ever met a student who has made it into Cambridge? Keep reading to find out more about Barstow’s academic star, Genevieve Hyatt.

Meet Genevieve Hyatt ’23, one of Barstow’s most ambitious high school students who has recently embarked on their exciting journey to attend the prestigious University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom!

The process is relatively grueling as their acceptance is conditional; Hyatt ‘23 will not have a definite response until around July. While situations like this can cause the anxiety of college decision season to carry over into the summer, Hyatt ‘23 has nothing to worry about because those around them know that their acceptance is inevitable.

Hyatt ‘23 has been described by their classmates as a unique, talented, intelligent, and loving individual. They enjoy traveling, spending time with their friends, and learning new things in school. Hyatt ‘23 has also expressed their interest in many activities such as reading, Dungeons and Dragons, constructing their own (and deconstructing other) languages, and so much more.

“I like learning existing languages in my free time…which I don’t have too much of,” Hyatt ‘23 shares.

Seeing as they are the only student this year taking AP Chinese (as well as AP French), this is undeniably true. Along with taking 10 AP classes over the course of their high school career, Hyatt ‘23 also happens to hold the presidency of both the National Chinese and National French Honor Societies, further proving their commitment to linguistics. Hyatt ‘23 will be taking their love of languages a step further as they plan to major in linguistics for college.

“I’ve been considering going to the UK for college for years, so it just kinda felt like a given that I would apply to schools over there,” Hyatt ‘23 expressed after being asked about attending, not only an out of state college, but an out of country college.

Taking this into account, along with the famed linguistics program at the University of Cambridge it is no wonder why Hyatt ‘23 chose to apply.

“I honestly never thought I’d get into Cambridge, so I was pleasantly surprised in that regard,” Hyatt ‘23 said, “but I’m really looking forward to living in the UK studying something I’m passionate about.”
When asked about what they would miss about Barstow, Hyatt ‘23 points out that some of their favorite memories of Barstow occurred within the walls of Chuck Payne’s Chinese class. They also said that they are infinitely thankful for the help and support provided by the teachers at Barstow.

While the school is sad to see them leave their halls of fame, Hyatt ‘23 is excited beyond compare to further their critical thinking, time management, and analytical skills at the University of Cambridge. Good luck to Genevieve, we are proud of you!


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