All About New Years

What is New Years?

New Years is a widely celebrated holiday that many people don’t know how it all began.  A variety of family’s celebrate the new year. It is a holiday where people celebrate the new year. 

New years celebrations started back in 2000 B.C. in ancient Mesopotamia, now Iraq. They celebrated and had fun ceremonies. 

New years is also a time where people have new years resolutions. “It is the beginning of a New Year and everyone has some New Year’s resolutions. It’s really meaningful to some people,” says Eden Groebl. 

A fact that you may not know about New Years is that it stems from an ancient Roman custom, the feast of the Roman god Janus. Janus is where the word January comes from. January marks the beginning of the new year. There is lots of history behind New Years and that’s just the beginning. 

January first was not introduced until 153 BCE. The first New years Traditions go all the way back 4,000 years ago.  On average forty five percent of Americans make News Year resolutions every year.

About 1 million people go to New York Times lSquare to see the ball drop. It is an amazing experience to go to watch the ball drop. Another thing that countless people do on new years is staying up until 12:00 pm to celebrate the upcoming year. 

Overall News Years is an Important holiday and worthwhile celebration. It is exceptionally fun and special and a chance to start on a new blank page. I hope you enjoy the New Year!


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