All About Mrs. Raffety

Mrs. Debra Raffety, the new Head of Middle School. (Eden Groebl ’30)

At the beginning of the year you probably realized that there was a new face. Well if you haven’t already figured it out she is the new middle school principal! Mrs. Raffety is a great teacher, director and person. She cares so much about the Barstow community, and she’s got big goals for middle school.

“By the end of the school year I want everyone to be stronger in the analysis of data and be stronger in their math skills, English skills, and all of those things,” explains Mr. Raffety, “but I think what I want more than that is middle schoolers to develop an inter drive, that says, ‘Ooo yes, I can do this,’ and I can do so much more.” 

Mrs. Raffety has been part of the Barstow community for some time. “My old job right before this was, I was the assistant, director of lower school at Barstow,” said Mrs. Raffety. 

Mrs. Raffety with Jenna Mozayen ’30 and Imogene Gruber ’30. (Eden Groebl ’30)

This year, Mrs. Raffety is focused on the four B’s, “Be a good human, be a student, be a role model, be a citizen,” says Mr. Raffety.

Mrs. Raffety made up a raffle to help motivate kids to be kind. Because every time you do a good deed you get an doubloons and If you get five doubloons you can trade them in to Mrs. Raffety herself and get a chance to get cool prizes.

Some off the fun things in Mrs. Raffety’s office. (Eden Groebl ’30)

Tons of kids love Mr. Raffety and her new ways. “I feel like Mrs. Raffety has improved the school a lot and she’s made it easier for students,” says Imogene Gruber ‘30. Mrs. Raffety is super creative with helping the middle schoolers and has such a kind soul. 

“In fifth grade I was very sick in the nurse’s office, and even though I was very conscious Mr. Raffety risked her own health and checked up on me,” Jenna Mozayen ‘30. 

Overall she is just a great person and she fits perfectly in the Barstow community. She is improving this school by the second with her kindness and integrity. 


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