Things you may not know about one of Barstow’s most beloved teachers.

Mrs. Culver is a teacher of middle school geography, a mentor, a mom, and many other things. She contributes to the Barstow community in so many ways, and without her Barstow would not be the same. She is many students’ favorite teacher because of her bright character and positive attitude. She is an amazing person inside and outside the classroom, and she brings smiles to everyone’s faces.
Safiya Rashid says, “Geography is one of my favorite classes because I love expressing my ideas.” She says that she looks forward to going to Mrs. Culver’s class every time she has it because she gets to show her creativity. She is very excited for this year and what it may bring.
In between taking notes and quizzes, the usual kind of thing, Mrs. Culver likes to throw in fun projects that let her students be creative and express their ideas. She says this is because middle schoolers tend to have a pretty short attention span, and she just wants to keep everyone learning.
“I’ve always been a teacher of some kind,” which can be surmised from how many things she has taught. Some of these things include gymnastics, swimming, and aerobics.
She used to teach elementary school before she taught middle school, so she has a lot of experience with different ages. She enjoys having 7th graders because they make her laugh. She says, “I am excited to have them in eighth grade, and to watch them grow, and see who they become in eighth grade.”
Outside of school Mrs. Culver loves to read, and also she likes crafting. She says, “My girls and I love to craft, so there’s always something in our house that’s being made or created.” Her family plays a part in what she does outside of school, “I like to hang out with my family. We like to go hiking and do different activities like that, a lot of just kind of down time.” Most students don’t think about what their teachers do outside of school, but it can actually be very interesting, and it may also strengthen your bond with them if it turns out that they like something that you like too.
Family matters a lot to Mrs. Culver. She has a husband and two daughters, Lorelai and Norah. She also mentions her grandmother, saying, “Probably one of my inspirations was my grandmother, she’s passed away, but she mattered a lot to me growing up.” Her parents also made the list of people that matter most to her, which makes sense.
Overall, Mrs. Culver feels good about this year. She says there is a “different vibe in the air” and that she is excited to see where her students end up at the end of the year.