The 2023-24 B-Line Staff. From left to right: Rachel Jacobs ’26, Jayden Sampat ’24, Betsi Waldeck ’25, Izzy Parr ’24, Avani Lakkireddy ’24, Leilani Galles ’24, Izah Bhuiyan ’26, Noora Fatima ’26
B-Line students write articles that capture what it means to be part of the Barstow community, and record, review and analyze current events.
B-Line’s origins date back to 1897, when students published “The School Paper,” from Barstow’s Quality Hill campus. It was published under various names in following decades, including “The Cornpatch,” when Barstow moved to State Line in 1961. Today, B-Line is primarily a digital publication.
Coach Scott has been B-Line’s advisor since 2018. In the spring of 2021, they taught the inaugural section of Middle School B-Line. They also serve as the varsity debate coach.
Coach Scott earned their Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from Kansas State University and their Master of Arts in Communication Studies from Baylor University.