7th Graders will Tackle Animal Farm by Gorge Orwell

A deep dive into Orwell’s brilliant novel.

Caroline Fink ‘29 reads Animal Farm in the middle school commons. (Dorothy Buckner ‘29)

The class of 2030 has the opportunity to dive into George Orwell’s seminal work, Animal Farm. Mrs. Trudy Blankenship, a dedicated 7th grade English teacher, is enthusiastic about guiding her students through this influential text, anticipating a range of reactions and interpretations from her class.

Animal Farm, first published in 1945, is renowned for its allegorical critique of totalitarian regimes, specifically reflecting on the Russian Revolution of 1917. Orwell crafts a narrative where farm animals overthrow their human farmer, only to face new forms of dictatorship under their own kind. I want students to have more literature that shows how animals can have a greater understanding and more compassion than human beings can,” she said. “In Animal Farm, many of the animals support each other, which parallels how we should act in the classroom.”

Mrs. Blankenship’s aim in introducing Animal Farm is not only to engage her students with the historical and political dimensions of the novel but also to encourage them to reflect on the broader implications of the story. “Through this allegory, Orwell examines the cyclical nature of power and the ease with which revolutionary ideals can be corrupted.

The novel’s portrayal of the rise and fall of political ideologies provides a rich backdrop for discussions on power, ethics, and social justice. Mrs. Blankenship is keen to see how her students will connect these themes to their own lives and current events. She believes that engaging with Orwell’s text will offer valuable lessons in empathy and cooperation, reflecting the classroom values she hopes to instill.

Vivaan Bhatt ’31 enjoys a chapter of Animal Farm. (Dorothy Buckner ’29)

As the students embark on this literary journey, Mrs. Blankenship anticipates a stimulating exchange of ideas and perspectives. She is eager for her students to not only grasp the historical context of Animal Farm but also to apply its lessons to their understanding of contemporary issues. This exploration promises to foster critical thinking and inspire meaningful conversations among the young readers.


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